By Renee, Minnesota
Sometimes, it is really tough being a female interested in engineering and other male-dominated areas. On numerous occasions, I have taken an engineering class or a summer program and walked in to discover that I am the only girl. It still surprises me.
When I first got into science, I was really intimidated. I assumed the guys belonged there more than I did, because there were more of them. I can say now that this is simply not true (and pretty ridiculous, when you think about it). Girls can be as amazing at science as boys can. We work just as hard and are just as passionate about the field as they are. So why does this big discomfort regarding girls in science exist today? I still notice that guys are surprised when I can build, design, code, or figure something out as well as they can. That discomfort can be really off-putting, making you more cautious and nervous about doing well in, or even entering, science domains. But there is absolutely no reason for us to be looked at like that. If you are interested in science or building stuff, get in there! Enjoy surprising guys and reminding everyone that we are just as capable as them—there is no reason to underestimate us!